Shopify template pages

When adding a new quiz page for your embedded quiz, as detailed here, we suggest that you use a pre-existing template for your new quiz page. You can select your pre-existing template in the drop down menu in the Template box on the right side of the screen below.

Your Shopify theme's default layout may not be ideal for your embedded quiz. Β For example, your theme may create an amount of empty space between your quiz's body embed and the edge of the page. It is for this reason that we suggest creating a template for your quiz page. This way you can edit the layout of your quiz page without affecting the code or layout any of your other existing pages.

If you don't already have a template page create for your quiz, follow these steps to create one:

1. Go to your store's theme page and click on Actions -> Edit Code

2. Click on "Add a new template" and name your template

Once your template has been made, you'll be able to directly edit the code of the template. If you use the template for your embedded quiz you can edit the code to make any tweaks you like to assure that your embedded quiz looks just right.

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