Using a Gobot chatbot to create a contact in Hubspot CRM

How do I get leads and contacts collected by my chatbot into my Hubspot CRM?

If you use Hubspot CRM as your CRM you're going to want to make sure it is always updated with contacts or leads generated using Gobot.  After all, Gobot is a lead generation machine!  This article takes you through the steps of using a Gobot webhook to automatically update your Hubspot CRM. For more general information about creating a generic webhook on Gobot, click here.  All of this may sound a bit complicated, but trust me, it is actually pretty simple - just follow the steps below.


Step 1: Script a bot that collects contact information and sends this information to HubSpot CRM via Zapier

Step 1a: In bot build mode, make sure your bot script collects contact information, e.g., email address, first name, last name, telephone number, etc. that will populate your contact form.  You can collect this information by dragging the Email Field and Text Field buttons into your bot script.

Step 1b: Drag the Webhook button from your right hand tool palette into your bot script and then, in the right hand panel, select All Fields under Body. For now, leave blank the URL field (we need to get this URL from Zapier).  Place the webhook button towards the end of your bot script as you don't want to send information you haven't collected yet. 

Step 2: Create a Zap! in Zapier

Step 2a:Sign into Zapier and click Make a Zap!

Step 2b: Under Choose a Trigger, type webhooks, and then select Webhooks by Zapier.

Step 2c: Select the trigger Catch hook and then click Save and Continue.

Step 2d: Skip the Pick off a child key step by clicking Continue.

Step 2e: Click Copy to clipboard to copy the custom URL and paste this in the URL field in the right hand panel for the Webhook button in Gobot (this is the field we left blank in step 1b above).

Gobot webhook right hand panel in bot build mode

Stepf 2f: Go back to Gobot and publish your bot.  Webhooks don't work in test mode, so you will need to actually publish and run your bot on your site (or a demo site) rather than click Test.  Once the portion of your script including your webhook is reached the webhook should be sent to Zapier. Go back to Zapier and click OK, I did this. Zapier will tell you that the test has been successful (namely that Zapier has received the webhook sent by Gobot).

Step 2g: Under Choose an Action App, type Hubspot CRM.

Zapier choose an action app screen

Step 2h: Next, you will need to indicate what you want to do in Hubspot CRM.  In this case we want to create a new contact every time a contact is created in Gobot.

Zapier select Hubspot CRM action screen

Step 2i: Next, you will need to choose which fields from Gobot you want to populate your contact in HubSpot CRM.  For each field you want for your Hubspot CRM select the corresponding field from Gobot by clicking on the list icon towards the right of the field you want to import.  In the example below we are clicking on the list icon adjacent the email field.

Zapier set up Hubspot CRM Update Contact screen

Clicking on the email field list button above reveals the following list of fields available from Gobot.  Select the corresponding email field from the Gobot list.

Repeat the steps above for each field you want to import from Gobot into your HubSpot CRM, e.g., First Name, Last Name, Telephone Number, etc.

Step 2j: Click Create and Continue to make sure that running your bot does in fact result in the action you set up. You should see a “Test Successful” message.

Step 2k: Finally, name your Zap, e.g., Gobot+Hubspot CRM New Contact, and turn it on. Done!

As a final step publish and run your bot so as to create a new contact in Gobot - make sure you get to the portion of the bot script with your webhook. Next, check HubSpot CRM to make sure that your contacts were updated to include the contact just created in Gobot.

Copyright 2017-2018, Gobot LLC, All rights reserved.

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  1. Gobot Chatbot Webhooks
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