Chatbot speed and timing

People have different preferences as to the speed at which they want their chat bubbles to appear in the chat window.  Also, in some cases they want the entire conversation to flow at a different speed and in other cases they only want a portion of the conversation to move faster or slower.  Gobot is fully customizable in this regard.

You can easily change the speed at which your bot script elements appear in the chat window by accessing the Style tab in the Bot Settings page.  See the "Adjust chat response speed" setting. 

Gobot's bot settings page where you adjust the style of your chatbot and adjust the chat response speed

Alternatively, you can add a delay after certain individual chat bubbles, e.g., text bubbles and polls, by adjusting the pause delay in the right hand panel for these script elements in bot build mode.  This allows you to change the speed of specific portions of your script.  For example, you might want a longer text chat bubble to linger a bit longer so your visitor has ample time to read it before the next chat bubble appears.

Copyright 2018, Gobot LLC, All rights reserved.

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