Getting Started

Welcome to Gobot! This Getting Started article will get you acquainted with Gobot's interface. 

There will be a number of "Click here if you want more information" lines in this and other Gobot help articles. We suggest you get through this entire article before you actually click any of these Click here links for additional information about particular features you may be curious about.  With that said, if you are the type to wanna just jump right into bot building, click here for a quick primer on building your first bot!

OK, LET'S GET STARTED!  Below is a screenshot of Gobot's main dashboard.  The main dashboard includes high level bot stats including new conversations generated, questions answered, and leads generated by your bots.  Below your stats is the portal to Gobot's knowledge base.  Here you can access articles about Gobot and FAQs, which hopefully will prove to be a useful resource.


Along the top of the screen off center to the right is the Tutorial button. Click on this button to repeat the quick tutorial provided upon initial login.  At any point you can click on Gobot's Help tab and ask our virtual assistant a question, view help articles, leave feedback or contact us directly via email or FB Messenger.  And, yes, in case you are wondering, you can use this type of amazing help bot on your website as well!  You can learn more about Gobot's templates here.


You can access your user account settings by clicking on the square in the lower left hand corner of the screen and then clicking Edit Profile Info (not available in beta). You will also find in this menu a Support Docs option where you can readily access Gobot support documents for reference.  Further, as detailed below, you can also adjust your team settings (and client settings, if you are an agency) by clicking on the settings gear icon in the navigation bar.


The black vertical navigation bar on the left hand side of the screen includes icons for each of Gobtot's modes: main dashboard (house icon), bot building (robot icon), bot template (pages icon), knowledge base (books icon), email (email icon), and team settings (gear icon).  We discuss each in turn below.

You will note that while each Gobot mode is independent there are interdependencies.  For example, you create a bot in bot build mode.  However, if you want your bot to send an email, you will first need to create the email you want sent, and you do that in email mode.  When you build your bot in bot build mode you can select from a list of emails you created in email mode for your bot to send. Similarly, you can create a bot that answers questions by tapping into your knowledge base. However, you will first need to write knowledge base articles in knowledge base mode, etc.  The exception is template mode.  Here we have already created many templates that you can utilize to quickly build your bot - so you will not need to build a template before you can leverage this mode. Either way, we suggest you get started in bot build mode and deal with emails and knowledge base after you got the basics down.


Upon login you are brought to Gobot's main dashboard (shown above) where you can see very high level how your bots are performing.  You can access your mini-dashboards for each functional mode, e.g., bots, knowledge base, and email, by clicking on the icons for these modes in the vertical navigation bar on the left side of the screen.  Needless to say, as you are just getting started, the dashboards will not reflect any bot performance data just yet.  You can learn more about all of Gobot's dashboards here


Click on the bot icon in the vertical navigation bar on the left side of the screen and this will bring you to your bot dashboard as shown below.  Each of your bots is listed including the following statistics: total chats, engaged chats, leads generated and responses collected by your bot.

Gobot's bot dashboard including bot statistics and analytics including total chats, engaged chats, leads generated and responses collected

Clicking on any bot from the listing in the bot dashboard will open bot build mode with your selected bot appearing in the center panel ready to be edited.  Clicking on the New Bot button in the upper right hand corner of your bot dashboard will open the Configure Bot Settings page (not shown) where you can name your bot and enter your website URl, among other settings.  After saving your bot settings you enter bot build bode, where you script your bot, as shown below.

Gobot's drag n' drop intuitive bot builder platform

You will note that the bot build bode screen is split into three panels:

  1. The left-hand panel includes a list of your bot campaigns, which upon initial login is prepopulated with bots serving the goal you chose during the sign-up process. The left-hand panel is hidden by default but can be made visible by clicking on the hamburger button in the upper left hand corner of the screen.  In order to grow your bot list you will need to create your own bots from scratch or using a template.  Note that you can drag n' drop to reorder your bot and template list.  Also, each campaign list is collapsible by clicking on the minus icon to the left of the category title.  Under each bot listing is a bot Edit button (allows you to modify your bot script), a bot Responses button (brings you to your bot analytics), and a bot Chats button (reveals your bot transcripts).
  2. The center panel is the build or script panel. This is where your bot scripts appear as you are working on them. Initially this panel will be occupied with the first bot selected in the left panel or blank if you are building a new bot.  As shown above, no bot script elements have yet been dragged into the center panel from the tool palette in the right-hand panel as we are building a new bot.  Click here to see how to drag elements from the right-hand panel to the center panel to script your bot.
  3. The right-hand panel includes a pallet of square drag n' drop tools you will use to script your bots. Simply drag a square, whether it be a text line or answer choice, etc., into the center panel and then enter your script text in the right panel - more on this here.

In the top navigation bar, you can access conversations, i.e., transcripts, and analytics for each of your published bots, e.g., how many times a bot has run, how many website visitors have clicked a particular button, etc. You can find more information on bot analytics here.


Gobot includes many bot templates, which you can use to save you significant time building your own bots. Use them wholesale or modify them to your needs. You can find more information about Gobot's templates here.  

Gobot's template mode with 100+ bot templates and examples

Click on the bot templates icon in the navigation bar - the screen is divided into two panels.

  1. The left-hand panel includes a list of some really useful bot templates that you can use with little effort. Clicking on any template in the left hand panel makes the template script appear in the large right hand panel.
  2. The right-hand panel includes all of your template script lines.  You can use the template by clicking on the Use This Template button. You can also delete the template by clicking on the Delete button.  You can edit the template name and description by clicking on the Edit Template button towards the bottom of the screen.   To edit the template bot script you will first need to click on Use This Template, and thus convert it into a bot, make your edits, and then save the bot as a template replacing your existing template.


Gobot allows you to create your own knowledge base.  This enables your bot with Q&A functionality to respond to visitor questions with suggested articles from your knowledge base. You can also link your website directly to your knowledge base as a help resource for your visitors.  To learn more about Gobot's Q&A functionality, click here.

Click on the knowledge base books icon in the vertical navigation bar on the left side of the screen and this will bring you to your knowledge base dashboard as shown below.  

Gobot's knowledge base dashboard including article views and ratings

Statistics for each knowledge base article is listed towards the right side of the dash including: views, happy face emoji ratings, neutral face emoji ratings, and sad face emoji ratings.  The last column includes a toggle so as to allow you to  change the publication status of an article.  Clicking on any article in the article listing towards the left side of the dashboard will open knowledge base build mode in edit mode with the selected article appearing in the center panel.  Clicking on the New Article button in the upper right hand corner of the dashboard will open the knowledge base build mode with the center panel blank as shown below.

Gobot's knowledge base editor

The knowledge base build mode screen is split into three panels:

  1.  The left-hand panel includes list of all of your knowledge base Q&A and articles.  This panel is hidden by default but can be revealed by clicking on the hamburger menu in the upper left hand corner of the screen, as shown below.
  2. The center panel is your editor where you can type your knowledge base articles.
  3. The right-hand panel includes various options available to customize the knowledge base Q&A or article you are working on in the center panel. For example, the right-hand panel includes fields for the article title or question, category, author, etc. You can save your article or Q&A as a draft or publish it. You can also add bot trainer keyword tags so as to facilitate a search for your Q&A via the Q&A search field functionality.  Choice of well thought out bot trainer keywords is important because you want your article to be suggested by your bot when your visitors' questions contain one or more of these keywords.

You can access the settings page for each article by clicking on the Settings button in the top navigation bar.  Here you can change the title of your article, delete it and many other things.  Also in the top navigation bar is a button allowing you to view your article directly in your knowledge base.


You can use your bot to trigger the sending of emails under different circumstances. For example, if your visitor expresses an interest in buying your product at a discount, you can email your customer a discount code.  The email dashboard is shown below.

Gobot's email dashboard including number of emails sent, delivered, opened and clicked

Clicking on an email in the email listing towards the left part of the dashboard opens the email mode with your selected email in the center panel ready for editing.  Clicking on the New Email button in the upper right hand corner of the email dashboard opens email mode with the center panel blank ready for you to create a new email as shown below.

Gobot's email editor can be used to create email and email sequences that can be sent by your chatbot

  1. The left-hand panel includes a list of all of the emails you created for your bots to send.  The list also includes any emails that may be called upon by bot templates you may be using or emails that may be called upon by bots assigned to you during onboarding.  The left-hand panel is hidden upon load but can be revealed by clicking on the hamburger menu in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.
  2. The center panel includes your email editor - this is where you can type your emails.
  3. The right-hand panel include settings for the email your are working on in the center panel, e.g., email subject line, etc.

Click here if you want to learn more about Gobot's email functionality.

OK, that is the basic lay of the land. The easiest way to get fully oriented is by actually using Gobot. Gobot was designed for ease of use, absolutely no programming or bot training required!

Copyright 2017-2018, Gobot LLC, All rights reserved.

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You might also find interest in these related articles:

  1. FAQ and Trouble Shooting
  2. Chatbot Settings and Advanced Triggers
  3. Choice of Language for your Gobot Chatbot and Knowledge Base