How do I set up a Product Finder Quiz?

Leverage Gobot’s product finder and conversational search functionality to improve your Shopify store’s conversion rate. 

Your chatbot can use a Product Finder to present questions to your customers so as to understand their needs and what they are looking for and then return curated product recommendations.  To see what a Product Finder looks like in the chat window as shown to a shopper, click here.  In this article we focus on how you can implement a Product Finder. Of note, we use the term Product Finder to mean a quiz whose results are product recommendations, i.e., a shoppable or shop quiz. 

As reflected in the Product Finder builder header circumscribed in a red box below, there are three main steps you need to take to set up your Gobot Product Finder:

  1. Questions & Answers: In Product Finder mode, create a Product Finder with questions and answers that reveal your customers’ needs and preferences 

  2. Recommendations: Set up your quiz results, e.g., your product recommendations

  3. Publish: Publish your Product Finder and then, in bot build mode, drag the Product Finder you created into your bot script where you want the Product Finder flow to begin

Think of the Product Finder as a special jump bucket containing a flow of questions.  The Product Finder is special in that, unlike regular folder-like jump buckets, the Product Finder actually outputs one or more product recommendations at the end of the question flow.  The recommendations are tied to how the Product Finder questions are answered by your shoppers.

Before we address steps 1-3 listed above, a bit of background may be helpful.

Please note that Gobot’s managed plan includes full setup of your Product Finder.


Before setting up your Product Finder in Gobot, you’ll need to reflect on the questions you want to ask your customers. We recommend that you use as inspiration for your Product Finder the same questions your in-store sales persons might use to help guide customers to the right product.  For guidance as to how to select your Product Finder questions and answer choices, click here.  Once you have your list of questions and answers laid out, you can proceed to the first step.


Step #1 will be to implement your question and answer flow in Gobot using the steps detailed below in the Creating a Product Finder section below.  After that you will need to decide on the type of recommendations or results you want your quiz to provide.


Step #2 in setting up your Product Finder quiz involves detailing your recommendations and is started by clicking #2 in the Product Finder editor header shown above in the red box. Your recommendations will be presented in chat after your quiz questions are answered, and can include different stackable elements including text, image, button and product blocks.  Click here to learn more about how to set up your recommendations. (coming soon)


After completing your questions and answers in step #1 and your recommendations in step #2, next you need to click Publish to make your Product Finder available for presentation in a bot flow. 

Go back into bot build mode by clicking on the bot icon in the black vertical navigation bar. After selecting your bot from the bot dashboard you will be brought into the bot builder, as shown below. You can place a Product Finder anywhere you want within your bot script by simply dragging it from the right hand panel in bot build mode. 

In this example, we select a bot that has a main menu with “Find the perfect bike!” as a Quick Reply choice. We drag the Product Finder element from the right hand panel into the center panel (in this case, into the "Find the right bike!" Quick Reply branch).

In the right hand panel, all we need to do is select the right Product Finder from the pull down menu. 

Click Save and Publish your bot. You will find that the selected Product Finder script will flow as soon as a visitor clicks on the "Find the perfect bike!" quick reply choice of your bot. 

Note that you can limit the number of dynamic product recommendations you share with shoppers under the Display Options section. You also have some options as to the ordering of the product recommendations.


In the example above, we dragged the Bikes Product Finder into our chatbot.  Before doing so, we first needed to actually create the Bikes Product Finder.

To create a Product Finder, enter Gobot’s Product Finder mode by clicking the magnifying glass icon in the vertical navigation bar on the left side of the screen. This will bring you to your Product Finder dashboard.

Next, click Create New Product Finder and this will bring you into the Product Finder builder. 

After naming your Product Finder and associating it with a campaign of your choosing, you can start building your question flow. Similar to the bot builder, elements in the right hand panel can be dragged into the center panel.

The main elements of the Product Finder are the Question with Text Choices and Question with Picture Choices elements.  After dragging the Question with Text Choices into the center panel, the right hand panel editor appears as shown below.

Under Product Finder Question, enter your first question that you want to pose to your shopper as part of your Product Finder.  In this example, we ask "Who will be riding this bike?"

Next, under Answer Choices, enter the choices you want to present as options for your shopper.  Clicking on each choice opens a choice editor in the right hand panel, as shown below.

Use a tooltip to reveal additional text upon hover over each choice. Tooltips are useful to help explain each choice without making your selections look too wordy.  For example, the Beach option might benefit from the following tool tip: "Select this option if you plan on riding your bike in primarily sandy areas."

If you decide to use dynamic product recommendations, for each question choice, you’ll need to enter one or more Product Finder rules.  

Click Add Rule to access the rule editor.  Here you can add tags to make sure that if your shopper clicks on this particular choice, then all products with the Shopify tag you entered will be added to the recommendation list presented to your shoppers.  You can also select to exclude product with your tag from the recommendation list.

If you want to set up choices with price ranges, that's also a possibility.

As detailed above, these Product Finder rules are used to control what products are dynamically added to your recommendation list  via the dynamic product recommendation block when a question choice is selected by a shopper engaging with the Product Finder. 

Above and beyond Product Finder questions, there are additional elements in the Product Finder right hand panel that can be dragged into your flow.  For example, you can include a GIF or video in the question flow to make the conversation feel more natural and less like a sterile series of questions. With that said all you really need for a product finder is one or more questions with associated answers for the visitor to choose from.

Note: In product finder mode, do not drag your questions into a jump bucket. This will prevent any of the choice rules you set from contributing to the selection of your product recommendations.

For each question you add to your Product Finder, you’ll need to decide how many choices a shopper can select simultaneously. In the bicycle example, you’ll only want to allow for a single selection when it comes to the question as to who the bike rider will be. However, you may want to allow a user to select more than one option when it comes to the question as to where the shopper might want to ride the bicycle.  In this case, you'll need to toggle the option in the red box below to on.

Toggling this option to on reveals some additional options, as shown below.

Note that when you only allow for one choice selection, you can branch you conversation by dragging additional questions into each choice. Gobot doesn't currently support branching when you enable selection of more than one choice.

Copyright 2020-2021, Gobot LLC, All rights reserved.

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