Gobot Analytics

How do I access my chatbot analytics?

Your bot is now published and working away on your site 24/7, and you want to see just how good your bot actually is at engaging and converting your website visitors! Gobot's analytics functionality takes all of the guess work out of this calculus.

HIgh level stats across all bots are included on your main dashboard, accessible by clicking the home button in your navigation bar.  Currently, the Revenue Generated metric is only available for Shopify users.

You can access bot specific analytics and transcripts via the bot dashboard and the bot builder by clicking on the bot icon in the navigation bar.  In the bot dashboard, choose a bot you want to focus on and click on Analytics towards the center of the screen to the right of the bot name.

Alternatively, in the bot builder (accessible by clicking on the bot  icon in the navigation bar), click on the Analytics button in the top navigation bar so as to reveal aggregate analytics for your selected bot.  You can also click on the Conversations button to access your bot transcripts.

Upon click you will see aggregate analytics for your bot in the center and right panels, as shown in the image below.  We address each separately below.


The center panel analytics reveals aggregate bot engagement data across all visitors that have interacted with your bot without identifying particular visitors.  The idea is to get a sense as to how people are interacting with your bot generally rather than study particular responses. Typically you will note that chat bubbles towards the top of your script will be seen, for example, more frequently than chat bubbles towards the end of your script because not every visitor will get to the end of your bot script.

The center panel displays a number of important aggregate bot engagement analytics.  As can be seen in the image above, your selected bot script is displayed in the center panel. Alongside each line of your bot script is an indication of the number of views this line has received and, if this script line includes a button, the number of times the button was clicked by a website visitor. If the line includes a field for user input, e.g., email address or text, a button appears adjacent to this line, which upon click reveals user responses to this field inquiry.  

To study particular responses you can review individual transcripts or click on the Responses button towards the top of the page, which will reveal a table of all fields collected by your bot.  All of this data is downloadable to a spreadsheet via CSV by clicking on the Download CSC button in the upper right hand corner of the screen.


Below is a list of the analytics available for your bot in the right hand panel (see panel in red box two images above):

  1. Number of chats this month, last month, and all time
  2. Email opt-in this month, last month, and all time
  3. Survey Score (including Promoters (rating of 9 or 10), Passives (rating of 7 or 8), and Detractors (ratings of 0-6))
  4. Average time on page this month, last month, and before you started using Gobot
  5. Date bot published

An email opt-in rate is only shown if your bot solicits email addresses. A Survey Score is only shown if your bot solicits such a score. The Survey Score is calculated by subtracting the % of Detractors from the % of Promoters. Average time on page is only shown if your bot is integrated with Google Analytics (see third tab in bot setup page). Click here for more information about integrating with Google Analytics.


Data revealed by clicking on the Analytics button reflects website visitor engagement with your bot on whatever website is listed in the Bot Settings page. Therefore, you will only start to develop analytics data once your bot is actually published on this website, visitors actually visit your selected site, and your bot is triggered to appear on this site. Running your bot in Test mode by clicking the Test button will not generate any analytics data because it does not reflect any actual engagement with a website visitor.

Please also note that while you are free at any point to edit an already published bot, doing so might confuse your analytics data (in particular if you change the questions being asked by your bot, etc.). Therefore, whenever you modify and republish a bot, Gobot inquires as to whether you want to refresh your analytics data in the process.

Copyright 2017-2018, Gobot LLC, All rights reserved.

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