Do you offer product repair?

Product warranties can be found on the product's page under the Warranty section. If you cannot find your product on our website, please contact us and we will assist in determining if your product is still under warranty. Warranty information can be found via the Warranty link located at the bottom of our website or by searching the term 'warranty' (without quotes) in this support knowledge base. We offer out-of-warranty repair for products previously purchased from us. We do not repair product that were purchased elsewhere. Our charge is $20 plus shipping. This fee is a diagnostic fee, meaning that we will open the product and determine if it can be repaired. If it can, we will repair it. If not, we will let you know and you can decide if you want the product back or if you want us to dispose of it. The diagnostic fee applies regardless of if the product is repairable or not. Often we can provide you with product specific troubleshooting assistance. But, please try our general troubleshooting steps before contacting us. 

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