What is Malaysian Tax Rate for Expatriate & Non-Residents?

The current tax structures for expatriates and non-residents are as follows:

  • If your stay in Malaysia is less than 60 days, then any income, fee, commissions or bonus received will not be taxed

  • If during your period of employment, your stay is not more than 182 days in a year, then you are a non-resident. As a non-resident, you will be taxed at a flat rate of 25% and you will not enjoy any tax incentives. UPDATE: The Malaysian Inland Revenue Board, (or known locally as Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri or LHDN for short) had increased the tax to 28% with effect from Year Assessment 2016

  • If your stay is more than 182 days in a year, then you are a RESIDENT. A resident will be taxed at a graduated rate of 0% to 25% depending on your income. You will also enjoy the tax incentives that includes personal and family rebates, allowances, etc. that will reduce your net taxable income considerably

  • If you work on board a Malaysian ship, your income is not taxable

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