Gobot Dashboards

Gobot includes multiple dashboards so you can monitor the performance of your bots, email campaigns and knowledge base usage.


Upon login you are brought to your main dashboard (home icon in navigation bar).  The main dashboard includes high level bot stats including new conversations generated, questions answered, and leads generated by your bots.  Below your stats is the portal to Gobot's knowledge base.  Here you can access articles about Gobot and FAQs, which hopefully will prove to be a useful resource.

Gobot's main dashboard including chatbot statistics and analytics


Upon entering bot build mode by clicking on the bot icon in the navigation bar you are presented your bot dashboard.  The bot dashboard includes bot statistics for each of your bots including: total chats, engaged chats, leads generated, questions addressed, meetings booked, and responses collected.

Gobot's chatbot dashboard including total chats, engaged chats, leads generated and responses collected

Upon entering knowledge base mode by clicking on the knowledge base books icon in the navigation bar you are presented your knowledge base dashboard.  The knowledge base dashboard includes, among other things, number of article views and emoji sentiment for each article.  Clicking on any of the knowledge base articles listed on your dashboard will bring you into knowledge base build mode where you can create new or edit pre-existing articles for your knowledge base.

Gobot's knowledge base dashboard including number of views and article ratings

Upon entering email mode by clicking on the email icon in the navigation bar you are presented your email dashboard.  The email dashboard includes statistics including, among other things, open, delivery and clicks rates for your emails.  Clicking on any of the emails listed on your dashboard will bring you into email build mode where you can create or edit emails for your bots to send.

Gobot's email dashboard including number of emails sent, delivered, opened and clicked

Copyright 2018, Gobot LLC, All rights reserved.

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