
General Information:  All purchases on PDF Band Music are downloadable PDF files. After making a purchase on the website orders are delivered in 2 ways.  After purchase a download link is located on the order page and, in addition, an email is automatically sent which contains download link(s).

Troubleshoot Missing Order Links: Occasionally due to a server 'hiccup' or an email error the PDF purchase is lost or delayed.  If you do not receive an email with download links check the spam folder.  If the email is not in the spam folder contact: support@pdfbandmusic.com.  Any problems are normally resolved quickly.

Order Exception:  Sound Fundamentals Band Method books are not immediately downloaded because the file size is too large to be handled by most email servers.  The Sound Fundamentals books are manually transferred to a Google Drive folder where users can download the individual books.  You will be sent a link to this folder within 24 hours of purchase.

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